Sacramento 6/18/2011 2:00:57 AM
News / Law

California Assemblyman arrested for DUI

By: Daun Lee

Martin Garrick, Republican Assemblyman in California was arrested Wednesday night for a DUI. Garrick was driving a stated-issued vehicle at the time.

Bicycle police observed Garrick driving erratically. He was driving 45 mph in a 25 mph zone and ran a stop sign. They attempted to pull him over, but they couldn’t get him to stop. Garrick’s representative Mike Zimmerman stated that Garrick did not hear the officers because his window was up. The police saw Garrick pull into the Capitol Building parking lot and followed him, arrested him on suspicion of drunk driving; he was then released.

Today, Garrick formally apologized to his constituents and vowed to never drive drunk again.

His arrest came shortly after California House members passed a budget for the coming fiscal year.

Assemblyman or not anyone with a DUI will need a DUI attorney to defend them in a court. The courts treat DUIs very seriously and the penalties can be harsh. The only sure way to appeal for leniency is to have the representation of a competent DUI lawyer.

First time DUI offenders face the prospect of losing their driver’s license, up to $400 dollars in fines and possible time in jail. Most states require all DUI recipients take an alcohol counseling class. Second DUI offenses usually require imprisonment. To avoid jail time a person is advised to hire a DUI attorney who may make it possible to reduce the associated penalties.