London 6/20/2011 9:27:39 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Removing cankles through liposuction on the rise

By: Daun Lee

We as people have the tendency to find parts of our bodies that make us unhappy. For most the stomach, buttocks and thighs cause are the areas of our bodies that cause discontent.  The UK’s Daily Mail reported that plastic surgeons have seen a rise in the number of people who want to have liposuction on their ‘cankles.’ In case you didn’t know ‘cankles’ are fat ankles that lack definition.

The trend was started by the pop singer Cheryl Cole who underwent liposuction to have fat removed from the ankle area. Plastic surgeons at the Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group in Britain had a sixty percent increase in the number of inquiries into ankle liposuction.

No matter what area of your body causes you to feel insecure or unhappy about your appearance, liposuction can help improve your self-image.

People spend hour working out and following a sensible diet and yet often find that areas of their body still retain fat. Genetics and body type play a large role in this. Liposuction gives a person the opportunity to sculpt the areas of the body that are resistant to exercise, in Cheryl Cole’s case it was her ankles.

Plastic surgeons have improved their techniques over the years and liposuction is a safe procedure which requires minimal recovery time. Though not all people feel the need to alter their appearance physically many others have found that cosmetic surgery improves their overall appearance. Feeling better about your body will improve the way others see you as well.