Ada 6/20/2011 11:12:52 PM
News / Law

Idaho Senator arrested for grand larceny and DUI

By: Daun Lee

John McGee, Republican Senator from the state of Idaho, was arrested Sunday morning for DUI and grand larceny.

The four-term Senator was drinking at a Boise golf course around 10 pm Saturday night. Sgt. Carlos DeLeon of the Ada county sheriff’s department told reporters for KTBV-TV that he left the club around 3am. He found a Ford Excursion, which also had a 20 ft. trailer attached, with the keys in the ignition. McGee took the Excursion and drove into a nearby neighborhood, where he attempted to turn the vehicle around, but apparently got stuck and left the vehicle in a driveway.

 According to DeLeon, the Senator left the vehicle and walked up and down the street several times. He eventually returned to the Excursion and passed out. The police were called by two children who occupied the house where the vehicle was parked.

When the police arrived they administered a breathalyzer which registered a blood alcohol content of .015, twice the legal limit for most states. McGee told police he was going to Jack Pot, Nevada, an area known for gaming. Hiring a DUI attorney is a must for people who have been charged with drunken driving.

Ironically, McGee is the chairmen of the Regional Substance Abuse Authority Legislative Committee. He has been charged with grand larceny and DUI.

A DUI is a serious offence, which can adverse effects on person’s criminal record. A DUI lawyer may be able to have the charges or the penalties reduced. DUI attorney have the experience necessary to defend individuals who are charged with intoxicated driving.