Los Angeles 6/21/2011 4:23:37 AM
News / Law

McCourt divorce deal nullified by MLB decision

By: Daun Lee

The contentious divorce between the Frank and Jaime McCourt, who owns the LA Dodgers, have left the fate of the team in flux. The McCourt’s had reached a settlement they both agreed on Friday, which included 50/50 ownership of the Dodgers, and was contingent on a TV deal with Fox.

The $173.5 million dollar deal with Fox would have funneled the money to the McCourt’s immediately. Bud Selig refused to allow the contract, but has not taken the team away from the Frank McCourt.

The Frank and Jaime McCourt along with their divorce attorneys came to an agreement, but with Selig’s decision to refuse the Fox contract their agreement is “now null and void.” Selig hasn’t stated his reasons for refusing the contract.

As part of their divorce agreement, some of the funds from the Fox contract would go towards the divorce settlement. The couple has been going through settlement talks with their divorce lawyers for close to 20 months.

A one day trial will be held on August 4th to determine who owns the Dodgers. If the team were to be sold, the court would have to determine whether they divide the proceeds or whether Frank is the sole owner of the team.

Couples who have the valuable assets need the most capable divorce attorneys to help reach agreeable settlements. These cases can, sometimes take many months, even years to settle, especially when question of who owns the assets arise.