Washington 6/22/2011 2:53:10 AM
News / Law

Immigration operation deports 2,400 illegal immigrants

By: Daun Lee

The ICE launched an operation aimed at deporting illegal immigrants guilty of criminal activity called Cross Check. In a seven day crackdown, ICE agents identified and detained 2,400 illegal accused of committing crimes ranging from drug trafficking, sexual assaults on minors, theft, forgery and DUIs.

Twenty- two percent of the detainees were fugitives already under deportation orders. The point of the operation is to make communities safe from crime, but some worry that it may have a negative effect.

Immigrants in communities may be unwilling to assist police with investigations because they fear they may be deported. The relationship between police and immigrants has been compromised by the Secure Communities Act. The act has been criticized by lawmakers in New York and Massachusetts. Police officials in these states have built trust with the immigrant community which has been broken down by the Secure Communities Act.

Millions of undocumented immigrants work and live in the U.S. and each one faces deportation if they don’t have the correct visa or citizenship papers. An immigration attorney can help these individuals obtain the appropriate visa or apply for citizenship. 

Although Cross Check is intended to find and deport criminals, any immigrant can be deported if they are in the country illegally. Becoming a citizen of any country isn’t an easy endeavor, but an immigration lawyer can be an asset for those seeking naturalization.  Extensive knowledge of immigration laws makes an immigration attorney qualified to assist anyone hoping for naturalization.