Washington 6/22/2011 3:04:37 AM
News / Law

Unemployed men more likely to be divorced

By: Daun Lee

A study conducted by the University of Ohio, due to be published in The American Journal of Sociology, shows the correlation between unemployment and divorce.

The societal pressures on women to remain in the household have been relaxed, but in contrast men are still perceived as the primary providers.

The study reveals that for women employment had little effect on their decisions to obtain a divorce.  Women who are employed are more likely to file for divorce than women who are unemployed, but only if she is very dissatisfied with her marriage. Women, along with their divorce attorneys, initiate two-thirds of all dissolutions.

The researched found that for an unemployed man, not only do the chances that his wife will initiate a divorce increase, but that he will be more likely to seek a divorce even if he is happy in his marriage. Divorce lawyers can help anyone who wishes to divorce their spouses.

According to the report, a marriage with a man who doesn’t work “doesn’t look like what a man thinks a marriage is supposed to be.”  In contrast a woman’s employment has little effect on the rate of divorce initiated by any party. This shows an imbalance in the changes of gender roles.

Financial problems are one of the main reasons a couple files for a dissolution with help of a divorce lawyer. Even though women’s roles have changed, men’s role as breadwinner is still actively in place.