Atlanta 6/22/2011 3:58:16 AM
News / Law

R&B singer Nivea arrested for DUI in Atlanta

By: Daun Lee

The R&B singer Nivea, who also has a child with rapper Lil Wayne, was arrested on Sunday for driving while intoxicated and hitting a downed tree.

Atlanta police said that Nivea was arrested after driving her car into a downed tree. Despite the yellow police tape and traffic cones placed around the downed tree, the singer still managed to run into it. When police arrived at the accident scene, they said Nivea smelled of alcohol and had blood-shot eyes. She had her child in the car but had no injuries. Nivea was taken to the hospital for head and neck injuries, where she was later arrested.

Nivea was leaving a wedding reception when the accident occurred. She went on Twitter to deny allegations that she was intoxicated, and accused the police and media of working against her. A good DUI attorney can make it possible to contest a DUI charge.

She was charged with reckless driving and driving too fast. She was also charged with “driving under the influence less safe.”  The ‘less safe’ refers to a DUI charge where the accused hasn’t taken a field sobriety charge or a breathalyzer. Without actual evidence of intoxication, a DUI lawyer may be able to have the charge reduced.

DUIs are treated very seriously by the judicial system and the penalties can be very harsh. Only a DUI attorney has the experience needed to defend a person in court.