Los Angeles 2/13/2009 8:24:51 AM
News / Law

Jon Benet Ramsey Murder - New Leads Released

How the Colorado Bureau of Investigation may have ignored information leading to the one true suspect. New DNA evidence may tell who molested Jon Benet, but not who killed her, as the killer is quite possibly dead.

Lawrence Olmstead has worked in the investigative industry for over twenty years on various high profile investigations, and in 1996 was hired by multiple national news agencies to investigate the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey. Although those agencies used the information he developed to help break news stories on a daily basis, it also enabled him to conduct a full scale independent investigation of his own.


During his lengthy investigation and hours of interviews of people close to the Ramsey family, he developed important information that was never used in the criminal investigation. Olmstead's information source was a Colorado based company that specialized in obtaining sensitive information for investigators. Olmstead's source was written about in many newspapers, and due to a grand jury racketeering investigation of his sources activities, the information contained in this story was never pursued by law enforcement.

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