Washington 6/23/2011 2:13:22 AM
News / Law

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist admits to being an illegal immigrant

By: Daun Lee

Jose Antonio Vargas, who has won a Pulitzer Prize for journalism, revealed that he is an undocumented immigrant.

In a story that appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Vargas said his mother sent him to the U.S from the Philippines when he was twelve. His mother was to join him later but was unable to do so. Vargas discovered he was an undocumented immigrant when his local DMV pointed out that his green card was phony.

Vargas used a fake driver’s license to get a job at the Washington Post and to gain entry into the White House. He also got a job working for the Huffington Post with his fake license.

Vargas told ABC’s Dan Harris that his decision to reveal his status comes in order to fight for the rights of immigrants. And to speak up for the DREAM Act, which would give undocumented children citizenship if they attend college or join the military.

The steps immigrants take to stay in the U.S. can be extreme, and most chose illegal means instead of consulting an immigration lawyer. Many immigrants fear they will be denied citizenship so they rely on fraudulent documents to stay. An immigration attorney can assist immigrant with obtaining visas and applying for citizenship.

Immigration lawyers can work to make naturalization a reality for the millions who wish to become citizens. Vargas is proof that immigrant can enhance the culture of the U.S.