Paris 6/23/2011 3:42:20 AM
News / Law

Fashion designer Galliano blames valium and alcohol for racist rant

By: Daun Lee

John Galliano once head of the Christian Dior fashion house is facing serious charges in France for ant-sematic comments he made about a Jewish person at a venue in March. His rant was caught on tape and resulted in his arrest and caused him to be fired.

In the U.S. his comment would have caused controversy, but is considered free speech. In France, racist comments can result in imprisonment and heavy fines. As his defense Galliano has blamed the use of valium combined with alcohol as the impetus for his unsavory actions.

According to Galliano’s lawyer Aurelien Hamelle, “He had a triple addiction to alcohol, benzodiazepine (Valium) and sleeping pills….The combine effects of these drugs was complete and utter abandon.”

Valium is often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. According to Wikipedia, some of the adverse effects include slowed motor skills and it hinders one’s ability to operate a motor vehicle.

Use of prescription drug has risen over the years and people who are addicted often think they can drive under the influence of these drugs if they are legally prescribed, but often find themselves in need of a DUI attorney.

The police are concerned with keeping the roads safe for motorists and will charge anyone caught driving while intoxicated regardless of the substance. A DUI lawyer can defend anyone charged of driving under the influence of regardless of the type of intoxicant in their system.  It is the “utter abandon” that make people believe they can drive under the influence of drugs, but it will eventually lead a person to a DUI attorney.