Washington 6/23/2011 11:15:50 PM
News / Law

Asbestos use rises in Asia

By: Daun Lee

 When environmental issues arise people are usually concerned with climate change, and the toxins we pump into the air because of our energy consumption. Rarely does anyone discuss the dangers of asbestos, partly due to the fact that developed nations began regulating the use of the carcinogenic mineral in the eighties. In Asia, however, the use of asbestos has grown by 64 percent since the seventies, according to the World Health Organization.

The WHO warns that Asian countries can expect an increase in the number of people who will contract respiratory disease caused by asbestos. People who have prolonged exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can develop lung cancers, which account for the largest number of cancer deaths worldwide. Mesothelioma is particularly aggressive and fatal lung cancer and is known to be caused by asbestos.

Individuals who suffer from mesothelioma can contact a mesothelioma attorney to attain compensation for their healthcare.

According to WHO, there are at least 107,000 asbestos-related deaths on an annual basis, and the increased use of the mineral throughout Asia causes great concern. Countries where asbestos use has risen don’t have the regulations in place to protect their citizens from the dangers of asbestos, so they predict asbestos related deaths will rise as their citizens age. In Western nations, the diligent work of mesothelioma lawyers has led to regulations that protect workers from the detriments of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma takes decades to manifest. The advanced age of people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma reduces their chances of survival. Treatment can be expensive and require multiple approaches. In order to make them comfortable, people afflicted with the disease can hire a mesothelioma attorney to obtain financial compensation.