Chicago 6/24/2011 12:44:05 AM
News / Law

Chicago Cubs owner faces lawsuit for retaliation

By: Daun Lee

The owner of the Chicago Cubs and founder of TD Ameritrade Joe Ricketts is being sued by two Nebraska women who allege he fired them for reporting incidents of sexual harassment.

The two women, Patricia Davis and Patricia Duncan, filed a federal lawsuit against Ricketts and his Omaha-based charity organization Opportunity Education Foundation. The charity offers educational prospects to children in developing nations.

The original harassment claim alleges that the COO made comments about both women’s physical appearance. Any person who is subjected to unwanted sexual advances and comments can retain a sexual harassment attorney to put an end to the harassment.

The suit alleges that Ricketts fired the two women for accusing the charity’s chief operating officer of sexual harassment. Duncan was told her part-time services where no longer needed. Ricketts along with his attorney asked her about her sexual harassment lawsuit and told her she “probably misunderstood the comment.”

Davis, who worked full-time for the charity, alleges she was left out of meetings crucial to her job. She was then instructed to try to get along better with her boss, the COO, but both were put on administrative leave until they were fired in December of 2009. The COO was later re-hired to work out of the office.

The Nebraska Equal Employment Opportunity felt the allegations were legitimate and allowed the retaliation lawsuit, but didn’t find sufficient evidence for the sexual harassment suit to go forward.

A sexual harassment lawyer can effectively represent any employee of a company who has been subjected to harassment. To put an end to sexual harassment in the workplace, sexual harassment attorneys will work hard to prove the allegations and hold the guilty parties accountable for their actions.