Washington 6/24/2011 1:15:52 AM
News / Law

Immigration reform gets re-introduced in the Senate

By: Daun Lee

Democratic lawmakers re-launched their efforts to comprehensively reform immigration laws. Three senators introduce the bill on Wednesday.

The author of the bill, Sen. Richard Menendez (D-N.J.), along with Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and co-sponsor Patrick Leahy (D-V.T.), all recognize that getting any reform passed in the Senate will be challenging.  The challenges will be even more difficult in the Republican controlled house. Despite the challenges, the three Senators believe that re-introducing the immigration reform bill will open doorways to future debate and possible change.

For millions of immigrants, who wish to become citizens and retain immigration attorneys, reform is crucial. Lawmakers have faced criticism by civil rights groups and Latino leaders for the current immigration laws, which force many to live in the country through illegal means.

The bill will include work-site enforcement and tighter border security. The bill also re-introduces the DREAM Act, which is opposed by many Republicans, because it gives “amnesty” to millions of young immigrants, by allowing them citizenship for attending college or serving in the military.

Many Democratic lawmakers have spoken out about the importance of immigration reform. Advocates for immigrants who desire citizen have also been vocal about the need for immigration reform.

For those immigrants, who only want to become naturalized citizens, reform could make it easier and more efficient. An immigration lawyer can help a person achieve citizenship, but reform could give immigrants more opportunities to become American citizens. An immigration attorney has the knowledge to face the challenges these millions of immigrants must struggle with on the path to citizenship.