Los Angeles 6/24/2011 3:02:13 AM
News / Law

Lindsay Lohan did not violate probation for DUI charge

By: Daun Lee

Lindsay Lohan was due to appear in court today to determine if she violated the terms of her probation for two DUI arrests in 2007. Lohan has been on house arrest, and tested positive for alcohol after a BBQ she held at her Venice apartment.  The test showed that she had alcohol in her system.

The Judge ruled that consuming alcohol did not violate the terms of her probation. Lohan has previously spent 16 days in jail for probation violation. In some cases, a DUI attorney can get favorable sentences for their clients if they agree to alcohol rehabilitation or staying alcohol free.

The Judge told Lohan that she was not allowed to have more than one friend or family member at her house at any point in time. She is allowed to have more people in her residence if she is working.

Lohan has had multiple run-ins with the law, but her biggest problem seems to be with alcohol. Thousands of Americans deal with addictions to drugs and alcohol and many of them are forced to deal with issue because of a DUI. When anyone is arrested with a DUI, their smartest move to make is to contact a DUI lawyer to represent them in court.

Getting a DUI can take away the many freedoms a person enjoys like their driver’s license and can result in jail time. A DUI attorney may be able to have the penalties of a DUI reduced for their clients.