Selecting the right alcoholism treatment center
If you are suffering with alcoholism and have decided that it is time to get help for this, you are about to make the most important decision you have ever made in your life. The Florida alcohol treatment center that you choose can change your life. Choosing one that effectively addresses your personal needs is critical during the decision making process. If you find one that addresses your needs on the emotional, mental, physical, and even spiritual levels, it will make all the difference between staying clean and sober or relapsing.
Should you choose residential or out-patient care?
The value of any Florida alcohol treatment center program is determined by their ability to meet the needs of the individual and their lifestyle. This oftentimes comes down to deciding between a residential facility and an out-patient program. The initial step is to determine whether or not you are a candidate for either of these programs and if you have the financial means to pay for the residential addiction treatment and recovery program.
Here are the characteristics of the residential and out-patient Florida alcohol treatment center programs:
Contrary to popular belief, out-patient programs provide most of the same services that the residential facility does. However, when you are not scheduled for treatment and recovery therapy sessions, you are free to return home or pursue your daily activities (e.g. working your job, pursuing your education, etc.) without encountering any interruptions. This benefits the individual who needs an alcohol addiction program but has to maintain their weekly obligations to family, school, and/or work.
Residential Florida alcohol treatment center programs require that you move into the facility and live there will you are going through the addiction treatment and recovery process. However, you are typically provided with an apartment like environment to recover and relax in as well as many of the amenities that you are used to at home. You are constantly supervised in a residential program but this helps you continue to focus on recovering successfully and remaining substance-free for life.
The key here is that if you have children at home that you are responsible for, as well as weekly obligations that cannot tolerate constant interruption, then you are most likely not a good candidate for the residential addiction treatment and recovery program. Conversely, if you do not have the financial means to pay for the residential program and you need to meet those weekly obligations mentioned above, your best bet is the out-patient Florida alcohol treatment center program.