Los Angeles 2/18/2009 9:43:32 AM
News / Law

Hollywood P.I. New Missing Persons Resource

Hollywood Private Investigations officially announced today they will now be providing services to the general public. For the last 20 years Hollywood Private Investigations has been a world leader in investigative support for the media.

Lead investigator, Lawrence Olmstead announced today that the agency will now accept cases from law firms, corporations and private persons. Hollywood Private Investigations specializes in missing persons cases and are court qualified missing persons experts in homicide cases in which a body has not been found. Recently, they joined forces with American Prison Consultants, providing support in Federal Criminal Defense cases.

“With all of the missing children and adults out there, we feel our agency can be an asset to law enforcement agencies and other missing persons organizations”, said Olmstead.

Hollywood P.I. is anxious to hear from people and organizations that need assistance locating people worldwide.

The agency has a reputation with the media as being a source to go to when all else has failed and you need to know. They have worked with most media sources and newspapers in the United States and England. Helping news agencies get the information they need for publication is a very competitive niche and Hollywood P.I. has been requested to work on every high profile story from O.J. To Jon Benet to the current Caylee Anthony Murder and Haleigh Cummings disappearance.

Visit Hollywood Private Investigation's website at http://www.hollywoodpi.info/ for more information and to submit a case or give them tips or leads on today's top stories.