Phoenix 7/5/2011 4:10:39 PM
News / Business

New Arizona Law brings New Arizona Business

Arizona Driver Verify is opening to provide Taxi, Livery and Limousine drivers and Companies a service to keep them compliant with the new Arizona State Law.

Arizona Driver Verify is opening to provide Taxi, Livery and Limousine drivers and Companies a service to keep them compliant with the new Arizona State Law. Arizona Driver Verify will offer criminal background check services, produce ID cards, and offer record custodian services for companies to keep in compliance with the Law.

Arizona Driver Verify will start providing services at their Phoenix Office, 3150 N. 24th St. on July 15, 2011, and will have hours of 7 A.M. To 11 P.M. For the first 30 days to ensure that all drivers are processed and have the required new credentials.

Company spokesman Avery Toupilini says it is best to schedule an appointment online at short for, but walk in drivers will be served as well. Avery says, “This is a big change to the Taxi market in Phoenix but I am sure it is a welcome advancement by the customers.”

For out of town companies such as Tucson, Prescott, Flagstaff, and Yuma for example, we will eventually set up mobile teams to process the drivers and companies.

Mr. Avery Toupilini
Arizona Driver Verify