Los Angeles 2/20/2009 2:08:42 PM
News / Law

"Girlfriend" Misty Croslin Under Police Suspicion In Haleigh Cummings Disappearance

Police in Florida question girlfriend of father in missing child case.

Haleigh Cummings has been missing Tuesday the 10th of February and was abducted from her home in Satsuma, Florida. Haleigh was left in the care of her father's girlfriend Misty Croslin, 17.


Let's get to the main questions that need to be answered and quick, a little girls life is on the line. If you have any information that can aid in the investigation, please contact the tip line set up by local law enforcement or go to our website and use our tip submission at http://www.hollywoodpi.info/.


In a recent video interview with a reporter from News4Jax.com the “girlfriend”, Misty Croslin makes mention of a “White Van That they took”. Click here to go directly to the video clip and pay close attention at the 35-37 second mark. We need more information about the van referenced. Whose van is it and was it reported stolen? Is it a police van? We need details. It has not been mentioned anywhere yet.


It would seem as if Misty Croslin knows what happened to Haleigh. Remember, Misty was supposed to be watching and caring for Haleigh. Misty claims she placed Haleigh in bed at approximately 8:00 PM alone. Where were the other children in the home? We keep getting conflicting reports on that.



Best Possible Theory at this time.

Someone was in the house with Misty, Good possibility Misty and her guest were drinking or doing drugs, smoking pot. Misty fell asleep or passed out. The guest saw an opportunity to abduct Haleigh. In the process of removing Haleigh, he/she turned on the kitchen light, opened the back door, heard it squeak, got a brick to prop it open so when they left it would not squeak. Went back into the home, picked up the child and exited. That's why the door was found propped open and the light was left on.


The suspect literally had his/her hands full and could not turn off the light or take the brick from the door because they had to have both hands on the child.


If you have any information that could be useful in this case. Please contact the local tip lines at;




Visit our tip submission form at http://www.hollywoodpi.info/