Washington 7/7/2011 4:04:01 AM
News / Law

States with same-sex marriages have lower divorce rates

By: Daun Lee

Since nine states have legalized same-sex marriages, many are left to wonder how divorce rates will be affected by the legislation.

Although the divorce rate has experienced a minor decline over the past decade, it still remains high, and a week doesn’t go by without the revelation of another celebrity divorce involving high priced divorce attorneys.

US news reported that states that have legalized same-sex marriages also have a lower divorce rate. Findings from the Centers for Disease Control and the Census Bureau indicated that five of the nine states with legalized gay marriage had a decline in their divorce rates.

The reason is attributed to higher education levels. A writer for the Pew Research Center, D’Vera Chon, stated there is a direct correlation between higher levels of education, marriage age and lower divorce rates. Those with the discipline to obtain a degree also have skills needed to maintain a marriage.

The divorce rates for people over 35 are significantly lower as opposed to those married in their late teens or twenties. Most people who chose to finish college are older before they contemplate marriage.

Divorce lawyers dissolve more marriages for people who have been married more than once; the more times a person has been married the chance they will divorce increases.

However, there are 100 opposite-sex marriages for one same-sex marriage, so there is no expectation that the divorce rate will decline dramatically. Divorce attorneys will still be in demand even if all states legalize marriage.