Houston, TX 2/21/2009 7:14:55 AM
News / Business

DHEA Supplement Cream - Twist 25 - Restore Youthful Drive, Appearance and Energy Levels

Research also shows DHEA may boost growth rate of human neural stem cells.

Though the years go by, we want to look and feel young; and slow the effects time. Imagine a cream that when applied daily can not only enhance a healthy fit appearance but also help restore youthful energy and sex drive as well. Many people seek to find that “fountain of youth”, but unfortunately most stumble upon empty promises from companies who claim to have the answer but have no scientific research and clinical studies to back it.


Twist 25, an anti-aging DHEA supplement cream, actually addresses the main cause of the body’s drop in vitality and vigor. This drop is associated with the depletion of androgens and hormones in the body as we get older. Those levels of androgens and hormones are tied to DHEA, a naturally occurring compound produced by the adrenal glands and metabolized in the skin. DHEA is called “the mother of all hormones”. It is a base building block for the hormones we make.


Our body’s DHEA production typically peaks by the time we reach 25-years of age and as time passes those levels drop at about 10% every 10 years resulting in what we associate with age – decreases in hormones as we age is known as “menopause” in women and as “andropause” in men - a loss of energy, motivation, sexual drive, loss of muscle, increased fat, loss of skin integrity and hydration, age spots, and more.


Now available from Health2Go, Inc. Twist 25 DHEA Supplement Cream helps reduce

the effects of DHEA depletion.


Additional research is being done, showing new wonderful advantages of DHEA. One exciting discovery done by a team of physicians at University of Wisconsin showed that DHEA boosts growth rates of human neural stem cells. The article by Terry Devitt DHEA boosts growth rate of human neural stem cells   states that –


 “Human neural stem cells, exposed in a lab dish to the steroid DHEA, exhibit a remarkable uptick in growth rates, suggesting that the hormone may play a role in helping the brain produce new cells, according to a new study published this week in the online editions of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

The new work, conducted by a team of scientists at UW-Madison, provides some of the first direct evidence of the biological effects of DHEA on the human nervous system, according to Clive Svendsen, the study's senior author and an authority on brain stem cells.

‘What we saw was that DHEA significantly increased the division of the cells,’ says Svendsen, a UW-Madison professor of anatomy and neurology. "It also increased the number of neurons produced by the stem cells, prompting increased neurogenesis of cells in culture."

"This is the first real evidence of DHEA's effects on human neural cells."

The new work is important because it provides a direct window to the controversial hormone's effects on critical human cells.

“One of the intriguing aspects of the new work, according to Svendsen, is the possibility that DHEA could have some positive effects on the adult human brain.”

“It's known that DHEA amounts fall progressively during aging, and reduced levels of DHEA have been reported in both adolescents and adults with major depressive disorders. And given the fact that adult humans have neural stem cells that continue to make new neurons in some parts of the brain, there is a possibility that DHEA could play a role in moderating the genesis of new brain cells.“

Health2Go, Inc. develops, manufactures, and distributes Twist 25. Using the proper method of delivery, Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream allows the user to see and feel improvements in fitness, leaner appearance, enhanced energy levels, better sleep, improved mental sharpness and enhanced sex drive within a few weeks.


Maintaining youthful DHEA levels is a safe and effective way to maintain an active lifestyle, and look and feel better too.


Supplement DHEA the right way after age 35 with Twist 25 bioidentical DHEA Cream. You can look and feel your best by providing your body “the mother of all hormones”, DHEA. Twist 25 feels like the fountain of youth from a daily skin cream.


Health2GO, Inc.

For more information or to order Twist 25 Please visit the web site at  www.twist25.com