Salisbury 7/7/2011 10:04:51 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Demographic of mesothelioma patients is changing

By: Daun Lee

Most think of mesothelioma as a disease, which affects people who worked in industries such as oil refinery, construction, and renovation, and on ships, but that demographic is changing.

A Salisbury man who worked for years in a pizza restaurant just won a large settlement with the help of a mesothelioma attorney. Luigi Pes was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2008, it was discovered that his asbestos exposure came from the ovens he continuously worked around.

The growing risk of developing asbestos –related diseases is increasing for many people. As equipment and buildings, which contain asbestos, begins to decay the chance of coming into contact with the toxic material is increasing. Much of these buildings and equipment were made well before asbestos use was banned. The idea that mesothelioma and other related diseases are industrial hazards is diminishing.

White collar workers can become the new face of mesothelioma. Asbestos is present in many different materials used in buildings and equipment. As these asbestos-containing things begin to deteriorate people could be inhaling asbestos and not be aware of it. People who work in hospitals, schools and offices are at as much risk of developing asbestos caused diseases as industrial workers, and many will need to employ mesothelioma lawyers to seek compensation.

Mesothelioma causes tumors to grow on the lining of internal organs, and is generally fatal. These patients will need funds to pay for their care, which can be obtained by retaining a mesothelioma attorney.