Washington 7/8/2011 12:46:01 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Obesity rates continue to rise

By: Daun Lee

Two different health organizations have compiled statics from all fifty states to determine obesity rates and their findings are shocking.

They discovered that the adult obesity rates of twelve states have risen to 30 percent. Most of the obese states are in the South. Mississippi topped the list of the most obese state; other southern states with high obesity rates include West Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana and Tennessee. Most of these states have rural and poor populations.

According to the Huffington Post, in 1995 an obesity rate over 20 percent was unheard of. There are 16 states where the rate has not increased but remained steady. Colorado has the lowest obesity rate at 19.5 percent, which two decades would have been high.

For the obese or overweight, losing those extra pounds can be difficult but not impossible. Getting regular exercise and following a sensible diet are the keys to weight loss. Many who aren’t obese and find themselves retaining extra fat can turn to liposuction to sculpt their figures.

The Obama Administration and individuals have attempted to combat this issue removing high-calorie foods and drinks from school lunches and vending machines. First Lady Michele Obama has also tackled the issue with her Move On initiative which encourages physical activity.

The obese have a long road to attain a healthy weight. When they achieve their goals of weight loss and find themselves holding on to fat in certain areas they can have liposuction to rid themselves of the tenacious fat.