Los Angeles 7/8/2011 1:42:43 AM
News / Law

LA County racks up 836 DUI arrests over holiday weekend

By: Daun Lee

All across the country police ramp up their efforts to prevent DUIs, especially on holiday weekends. In LA County their initiative is called Avoid the 100 DUI task force.

The LA county task force managed to arrest 836 people for DUIs over 4th of July weekend, which starts 6pm Friday through 12am Monday. This tally may change as more agencies enter their data.

If your night out entails drinking, having the number of a DUI attorney handy will be wise.

The Avoid the 100 DUI task force used a combination of a dozen DUI checkpoints throughout the county. They also increased their number of patrol units to reduce the number of DUI-related deaths and injuries. The next large initiative will take place at the end of August until Labor Day.

Last year, they arrested 844 people for DUI.

Drunk drivers cause 32 percent of the countries traffic fatalities. Because drunk drivers pose dangers on the roads, courts will treat a DUI offender very harshly. Individuals charged with a DUI will need to contact a DUI lawyer immediately.

A recent study showed that any amount of alcohol, even if it is under the legal limit, can impair a person’s ability to drive. The best advice is to avoid driving if you are intoxicated or have a designated driver, but many don’t heed this advice, therefore, they find it necessary to hire a DUI attorney.