Washington 7/8/2011 2:51:26 AM
News / Law

Lawmakers push legislation to include immigration museum in DC mall

By: Daun Lee

The US is a nation built by the influx of immigrants. For centuries, different waves of immigrants have flocked to the country in search of a better life. The immigrant population is comprised of a wide diversity of different ethnic groups and nationalities. To honor these individuals, two lawmakers are introducing legislation to explore the creation of an immigration museum.

Virginia Rep. (D) Jim Moran and Tennessee Rep. (R) John Duncan will introduce the legislation Thursday. The lawmakers submitted a feasibility report to the Obama administration in spring, and assert it wouldn’t be built with taxpayer money.

Millions of immigrants have become American citizens with the assistance of an immigration attorney.

The National Mall has museums focused on different ethnic groups but the immigration museum would focus on their role in American culture. Moran said, “This museum, covering accurately and adequately each group’s story in the context of the American experience should stem the tradition of each group having their own individual ethnic museums.”

Supporters of the museum include over a 130 different ethnic groups, according to Fox Latino News.

Immigrant populations bring new and innovative ideas and skills to America when they arrive. Many in the country including lawmakers recognize their valuable contributions to American society. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are awarded visas and citizenship, often with the guidance of immigration lawyers, so we can continue to be the Melting Pot.

Becoming an American citizen isn’t an easy task, but it can be simplified with an immigration attorney.