New York 2/23/2009 6:00:00 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Denture Cream Adhesive linked with Zinc Poisoning

Information Portal Consumer Injury Lawyers, one of the most comprehensive legal websites on the internet, continues to update its denture cream zinc poisoning information portal with new articles providing more detail and insight as to potential denture cream side effects.

Recently, denture creams, such as Fixodent and Super Poligrip, have been linked with zinc poisoning. In small doses, zinc is considered a vital mineral supplement for a healthy diet, believed to possess antioxidant properties that protect against premature aging of the skin and muscles of the body. However, in large doses, zinc can cause ataxia, lethargy and copper deficiency. This is commonly referred to as zinc poisoning. Zinc poisoning can also cause neuropathy, a condition that effects the nerves.

Approximately 35 million people wear dentures in the US, making the percentage of people at risk of zinc poisoning frighteningly high, most of which being the elderly. If not detected and treated early, zinc poisoning can lead to permanent effects, such as nerve damage and numbness of limbs. The risk of zinc poisoning is especially high for consumers with poorly fitting dentures, and using a larger amount of denture cream to compensate.

Many of the 35 million people who wear dentures are unaware of this risk of neuropathy caused by denture creams. Manufacturers are not required by the FDA to disclose the potential health risks of denture cream adhesives. Fixodent does not even identify zinc as a substance contained in the adhesive. As a result, recent lawsuits have been filed, alleging that manufacturers such as Fixodent and Super Poligrip should be held accountable for failing to warn customers of the zinc toxicity in their product.

At least two lawsuits have been filed against GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of Super Poligrip, one of which has reportedly been settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. Another lawsuit has been filed against Fixodent and Poiligrip’s manufacturers in the U.S. District Court for the eastern district of New York. As further information spreads on denture cream health risks, more lawsuits are likely to be filed. If you or someone you know has been exposed to Poligrip zinc or Fixodent zinc on a daily basis, consult your doctor about a possible zinc overdose.

For more information, visit, a consumer advocacy website that provides you with information about pursuing a
denture cream lawsuit, including a Fixodent lawsuit, Poligrip lawsuit, and a Super Poligrip lawsuit.