Los Angeles 2/23/2009 10:00:41 AM
News / Law

Reader Poll - Is Casey Anthony Tot Journalist Nancy Grace Misleading Her Viewers?

Participate in a World Wide Poll on Nancy Grace's T.V. antics! YOU DECIDE.


Innocent Until Proven Guilty Nancy Grace Style

While the presumption of being innocent until proven guilty is an important right in modern societies, even to the point that the U.S. Supreme Court established in
Cofflin vs. United States, 156 U.S. 432 (1895)  the ”presumption of innocence ruling of persons accused of crimes;   that isn't the case if you're being judged by the Kangaroo Court of the Nancy Grace. Nancy, the "TOT JOURNALIST" being investigator, judge, and jury all in one, has repeatedly victimized innocent citizens by misleading her viewers, and advancing positions with little substance other than her own belief. Are her antics in the Casey Anthony case just a cheap shot to garner ratings, or do the TOT JOURNALIST'S viewers believe and buy into her beliefs.


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