Los Angeles 7/8/2011 10:12:16 PM
News / Law

Horrible Bosses makes comedy out of workplace harassment

By: Daun Lee

The movie Horrible Bosses, which debuts tomorrow, is about a group of men who decide to take revenge on their bosses, who subject them to a variety of different types of harassment. The movie stars some big names in Hollywood like Jennifer Anniston, Colin Farrell and Kevin Spacey.

Two of the bosses, played by Spacey and Farrell, are just deplorable people that you wouldn’t want to work for. Anniston plays a dentist who sexually harasses her male assistant. The three protagonists, the employees, hatch a plan to kill their loathsome bosses and the comedy ensues.

There isn’t anything inherently wrong in lampooning a serious problem like sexual harassment, people who face this type of harassment in the workplace, and their sexual harassment attorneys will tell you that it is no laughing matter.

The antagonists, the Horrible Bosses, will likely get no sympathy from the viewers. The film uses comedy to show the viewers that men can be sexually harassed just like women. It is doubtful that the filmmakers are trying to make a statement about workplace harassment; this film is for entertainment purposes, but it does bring to light that men are targeted for harassment, too.

Sexual harassment lawyers fight for many people who face unwanted sexual advances comments and innuendos.

Harassment of any kind can make the workplace hostile and unproductive. People who are sexually harassed just went it to stop and a sexual harassment lawyer can make that possible, along with protection the employee against retaliation.