Los Angeles 2/25/2009 4:29:44 AM
News / Law

Reader Poll - Is Casey Anthony "GUILTY" of killing her daughter Caylee?

Participate in a World-Wide Poll on Casey Anthony's Guilt! YOU DECIDE.

Casey Anthony has sat in an 8 by 12 foot jail cell in Orange County Florida since August 2008, awaiting trial for the suspected murder of her 3-year-old daughter Caylee.  Although the evidence is circumstantial, and several facets of the evidence point at Casey as being the killer, controversy abounds as to if she actually killed her daughter, and dumped her in a field not far from her home. For months, T.V. spin doctors like Nancy Grace who have been wrong on several occasions, have babbled endlessly about Casey's guilt. Is Guilty, or “Innocent” until proven guilty.


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