Doha 7/11/2011 7:52:24 PM
News / Law

Complaint Made Againt IIMSAM in the United Nations

In turn of events related to his resignation from the post of the Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), Dr. Homoud sent a letter for Mr. Bank Ki Moon- the Secretary General of the United Nations urging him to initiate action against IIMSAM which is now under fire amid the controversy related to appointment of a convicted prisoner as Goodwill Ambassador of the organization.

The said letter which was also made available to the media stated “I have tendered my resignation from all posts of IIMSAM in defense of the principles of professional ethics and moral conduct which I have been upholding with unquestionable sincerity and integrity; as well as in protest of the appointment of Mr. Khalid Shaheen, a convicted prisoner, unlawful offender, criminal absconder as well as the betrayer of the legal sanctity of the Jordanian state system”. In the letter Dr. Homoud urged the Secretary- General of the United Nations to initiate action against IIMSAM. The letter further states “I have never compromised with my zeal to serve the course of the human betterment with utmost faith in the noble values, righteous principles and, above all in my inner conscience. IIMSAM has violated settled principle of the United Nations mandating non-interference within State’s internal matters and since it happens to be an Intergovernmental Observer to UN ECOSOC this act of IIMSAM is directly contravening the very foundations of United Nations Charter”.

“I request for the urgency of your swift and explicit call on the Secretary General of IIMSAM to forthwith terminate the appointment of Khaled Shahen as IIMSAM Goodwill Ambassador and to stop violations of moral ethics and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and explicitly enumerated in so many binding international instruments such as United Nations Convention against Corruption which mandates that corruption can be prosecuted after the fact, but first and foremost, it requires prevention”, urged Dr. Homoud. In his letter Dr. Homoud has also raised his objection against the Diplomatic Passport issued by IIMSAM for Khaled Shahen and his family which is in direct contravention of settled principles of granting functional immunity as per Vienna Convention, 1961.

The appointment of Khaled Shahen who was convicted by the State Security Court (SSC), Jordan in July 2010 along with three other defendants in the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. (JPRC) expansion project corruption case to three years in prison for bribery has received harsh reaction in the entire middle east region and particularly in Jordan. On call of Dr. Homoud Jordanian people has dissented with decision of IIMSAM and has started communication with the Offices of Secretary General of the United Nations to lodge their protest with the United Nations.