Atlanta 7/12/2011 1:07:19 AM
News / Law

MLB accused of ignoring protestors of Arizona Immigration Law

By: Daun Lee

Recently, Carlos Santana took the opportunity to speak out against Georgia’s immigration law before preforming at an Atlanta Braves game. Many other activists have openly protested the tough immigration laws enacted by five different states. In their efforts to get more support, activists have called and sent letters to the MLB, and Boston Red Sox player Adrian Gonzales, but they have been met with silence, according to USA Today.

Last year Gonzales along with several other players were vocal about their opposition to the Arizona law. Gonzales, who was born in Tijuana, Mexico, stated he would consider not playing at the All-Star Game if the law passed, and felt the game should be moved to another state, but has since change his mind stating he didn’t understand the law.

An immigration attorney, Michael Wildes has asked the MLB to back immigration rights at the All-Star game, but has been largely ignored. Wildes told USA Today, “I understand this is not a comfortable platform. People may resent the political undertones, but… if they speak out, it can have a dramatic effect.”

Although, the Arizona immigration law isn’t the toughest one passed, it is the first, which paved the way for other states to pass similar bills in order to crack down on the number of illegal immigrants in their states. Both civil rights activists and immigration lawyers oppose the increasingly tough measures, which they fell leads to racial profiling and increased deportations. To avoid deportation an immigration attorney can obtain visas or naturalization for the immigrant.