Myrtle Beach 7/12/2011 9:32:21 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Underground plastic surgery procedures can be dangerous

By: Daun Lee

Last month three people in Myrtle Beach, SC were arrested for preforming liposuction on a young girl in their apartment. The girl became very ill afterward, and had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. She told police she overheard the trio talking about preforming procedures on other women.

The lure for the girl was the much discounted price, but the cost to her health was immense. These sorts of underground procedures are often practiced by people who are not licensed plastic surgeons. This has been a problem in Florida and other states, but isn’t common in South Carolina.

An unlicensed or inexperienced person doing such procedures could cause cosmetic complications such as scarring, as well as adverse effects to one’s health. In an apartment, the necessary equipment to deal with an emergency situation is unavailable.

Many people feel the pull to improve their appearance by having cosmetic surgery or liposuction will choose a discount over their safety. Anyone considering liposuction should consult with a licensed professional instead of risking harm or even death. In the long run, a procedure done well is worth the extra cost and will assure the patient looks achieves the look they are hoping for.

When performed in a clinic, liposuction is a safe procedure and minimally invasive. Most plastic surgeons have the experience to deal with any complications should they arise. If looking the best possible is the goal, undergoing an underground procedure just isn’t a wise choice.