Martian 7/14/2011 2:52:42 AM
News / Law

Kentucky man killed in mining accident

By: Daun Lee

A Kentucky man, Ryan Thatcher, 26, died after he sustained a head injury while working in a Martin county coal mine.  He is the third person in Kentucky to die in a mining accident this year.

Thatcher leaves behind a five year old daughter.

Thatcher was operating a track car while hauling a load. He reportedly got caught between his equipment and a low steel roof beam. He received crushing blows to his head. No other workers were nearby at the time of the accident, but later a co-worker found him and administered CPR until he reached the surface.

The Martin County’s Voyager Number Seven Mine is closed while authorities conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the accident.

Since the beginning of the year the Voyager Seven Mine has been the site if 4 industrial accidents, all of which are attributed to roof or wall collapses. The mine has been given over 61 safety violations by federal inspectors since January of this year. If they are found to be at fault for any of the worker’s injuries, their families are entitled to compensation by hiring an accident attorney.

Mining is a dangerous occupation and there are strict regulations in place to assure worker safety. If any of the mining companies are negligent in assuring the safety of their employees, an accident lawyer can help the injured or families of the fatally injured recoup costs associated with the accident or death.

Accident attorneys have fought and won large settlements for individuals who are harmed because of a company’s carelessness and unwillingness to follow safety guidelines.