Washington 7/15/2011 1:26:48 AM
News / Law

Birth drives Hispanic population growth

By: Daun Lee

Illegal immigration is a hot political debate, and has led to the development of tough laws in certain states to curtail illegal immigration. Proponents for immigration reform have called for increasing border security and tougher laws.

Earlier this year, data from the 2010 census showed that the Hispanic population has grown, and now represents 60 percent of the overall US population. Further analysis of their data has shown that it is birth, and not immigration that has caused the growth in the Hispanic population.

On average, Hispanic women give birth to more children than other ether blacks or whites. Of the 350,000 births to illegal immigrants last year, 68 percent were to Mexican parents. Birth rates vary according to immigration status. Mexican- American women, who have become legal citizens, some with the assistance of an immigration attorney, have an average of 2.1 children, while illegal immigrant mother have an average of 2.7 children.

Meanwhile, immigration from Mexico has dropped 60 percent since 2006. Close to 11.5 million illegal immigrants reside in the US. Gaining citizenship is difficult but an immigration attorney can make the process easier.

The US born children of immigrants will be given the right to vote, and as their numbers grow they will have an impact on the decisions made by lawmakers in regards to immigration. In the meantime the best way to avoid deportation is to apply for the proper visas or citizenship. A qualified immigration lawyer can help an immigrant attain legal status.