Seattle 7/17/2011 12:10:00 AM
News / Science & Technology

Motivate Yourself

Your Cure To Compusive Behavior

Think yourself addiction free.  When you see a bag of potato chips coming, close your eyes and visualize eating 30 of them.  When you see yourself logging onto your facebook fan page, close your eyes and visualize that you have new friends signing up everyday. Can a reliable smart phone plus group therapy help you curb compulsive behavior?

Click here - sign up for a how to be a friend workshop

Buy the Samsung Fascinate Friendship Android phone and start studying how you can be a good friend and let others be a good friend to you.         You have to start some where.  We recommend that you buy an Verizon discount phone from our website.    You will save $50 to $200 off by doing so.  Don't know what a friendship workshop is, go to your brand new mobile phone that you ordered from us and call the phone number below now!

Click Here- Call 360-301-6318

Select the #1 Friendship phone that helps you find real friends, the Samsung Fascinate.   Ask for Ann, she will give you a free 20 min screening to see if she can help you.

Ann at recently wrote this excerpt in her newsletter

"The impact of this program is felt by the entire family and ripples out into the surrounding  community. With greater confidence and resources, parents can enjoy and value who their  children are, rather than feeling constantly overwhelmed by their needs. The child feels the  impact of a stable and loving parent at home. As a result, relationships between parents and  children grow stronger and healthier, shaping a child and family’s present and future. By  investing early in strengthening families, together we create a better community, for now and  future generations. "

source: April 2011 Issue,,

Scroll the bottom & Start your mobile making new friends adventure Today- Click on the Samsung Phone Please

"Your brain gets used to a food stimulus after a number of bites, even if some of those bites are imaginary, taking a lot of them seems to reduce your desire to continue eating." says Carey Morewedge

It is $50 at Verizon Wireless, but we suggest you save the $50 and buy it for a penny at .

Click on the friendship samsung fascinate phone above and get it for penny, don't wait this sales event ends this sunday July 17th