New York City 7/16/2011 12:43:38 AM
News / Health & Wellness

NY jury awards $2.5 million judgment against Ford

By: Daun Lee

A New York Jury has awarded a former chemist for Ford Motor Company for exposing him to asbestos. James Ginter alleged that Ford built a machine that exposed workers to asbestos and resulted in him contracting mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that afflicts about 100,000 people worldwide. Asbestos is the known cause of mesothelioma along with other pulmonary diseases. Mesothelioma attorneys can win large settlements for people who contract the deadly cancer.

Ginter operated a machine known as a Friction Assessment Screening Test while he worked for Durex plastics. The FAST machine was used to grind down different materials and assess their viability to be used in breaking systems. According to Ginter, many of the materials he tested contained asbestos, but the machine had no warning of the potential danger. There have been other mesothelioma fatalities tied to the FAST machine since the 1970s, but they continued to use the machine without properly warning employees of the dangers.

The New York jury found that Ford motor company was 15 percent responsible for his mesothelioma and awarded him $2.5 million. The other parties responsible for his asbestos exposure settled out of court. Mesothelioma lawyers with their vast experience can fight to make certain asbestos victims are justly awarded.

Asbestos was commonly used in a variety of manufacturing and construction industries. When the fibers become airborne, workers run the risk of inhaling the fibers, which will eventually make them very ill. A mesothelioma attorney will work diligently to assure their clients are compensated for the pain they suffer.