Wilmington 7/20/2011 12:44:46 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Delaware Supreme Court rules against woman in second-hand asbestos exposure case

By: Daun Lee

The Delaware Supreme Court recently decided that a woman who contracted mesothelioma through second-hand exposure could not file a lawsuit against DuPont. The court ruled that DuPont was not responsible for asbestos exposure and had no “special relationship” with Patricia Price, the wife of a former employee.

Patricia Price contracted mesothelioma because of asbestos fibers brought home on her husband’s clothing. Her husband worked as a technician for DuPont between 1957 and 1991, and brought the asbestos fibers into their home. The fibers of this toxic material can coat clothing in a layer of dust, when the clothing is shaken the asbestos becomes airborne, then inhaled, causing mesothelioma and other illnesses that may takes decades to manifest.

Mesothelioma attorneys have been able to, in some cases, win large settlements for housewives who contracted asbestos- related diseases from second-hand exposure.

In this case, the court determined that DuPont was not responsible for Patricia’s exposure, and had no legal obligation to her because her husband carelessly brought the asbestos into the home.

Some companies inform their employees of the dangers of asbestos and provide special training. There are, however, numerous businesses that do not inform employees about the use of asbestos, nor do they provide safety equipment that could prevent diseases. Mesothelioma lawyers have won large settlements for these clients.

If a mesothelioma attorney can prove that a company has been negligent in informing employees of the risks of asbestos exposure either directly or through second-hand exposure, they can file a lawsuit on behalf of their ailing clients.