Los Angeles 7/20/2011 4:06:02 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Bikini season can elicit negative self-image in women

By: Daun Lee

With the summer, comes invites to the beach and pool parties. The thought of being seen in a bikini or any other bathing suit can be mortifying for many women.

Every day we are inundated with images of celebrities, and models flaunting their perfect bodies in front of cameras. Living up to the same standards of beauty as their role-models can be nearly impossible for lots of women.

Celebrities have resources that every day people don’t have like more time to spend at the gym, because looking their best is part of their job. They also have more money to spend on stylists, personal trainers and cosmetic surgeries like liposuction. Looking to models and celebrities to define our ideals of beauty can be problematic, and can cause many women to have negative self-images.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association, close to 10 million females have some sort of eating disorder; many women desire to be thin as the women they see in magazines and on television.

A healthy diet and regular exercise can get a person on the way to having a more trim physique they can be happy with. There are some who find they have areas of fat resistant to exercise. For these individuals, liposuction can target these areas and help them have a healthier self-image

Not every woman has serious discontent with their figures, but for those who are liposuction can help them achieve more happiness with their bodies.