Asbestos 7/21/2011 11:10:44 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Last large asbestos mine in Canada may close

Canada’s last large functioning asbestos mine is on the verge of closing, according to Quebec LAB Chrysotile. It may be forced to shut down as early as November.

The mine is currently locked into negotiations with the employee’s labor union. The threat of closure could be a negotiating tactic on behalf of the mine.

In contrast to the threat of closure at the Quebec mine, the efforts to re-open the chrysotile mine in the town of Asbestos is still underway. The company behind the mine is still seeking investors and denies the harmful effects asbestos has on humans and the environment.

Asbestos takes on different mineral forms, but all are dangerous. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause serious illness. Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive cancer known to be caused by asbestos. These patients require specific and costly treatments. A mesothelioma attorney makes it possible for these victims to fight for financial compensation.

The mine in the town of Asbestos became the subject of international media attention when they announced their plans. Environmental activists, doctors and health advocates have all appealed to the Canadian government to halt the opening of the mine. Mesothelioma lawyers also have a great deal of experience and knowledge about the effects asbestos has on humans.

Canada’s representatives in the UN managed to block asbestos from being included on the list of hazardous materials in the Rotterdam Convention, which would mean complete transparency on the hazards of asbestos use. If Canada continues to mine asbestos more people will contract related-diseases, and find they will need the representation of mesothelioma attorneys to file lawsuits seeking compensatory damages.