Los Angeles 3/11/2009 5:35:24 AM
News / Law

Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood P.I. In California announced today the recent addition of Ginette Matacia Lucas, world renown psychic as part of his missing persons team.

Hollywood P.I is the world leader in providing investigative support for television shows, newspapers and tabloids. Recently, the agency started accepting missing persons cases from the general public.

Owner and California Licensed Private Investigator Lawrence Olmstead, is a Court Qualified Missing Persons Expert in homicide cases where a body has not been found, with a success rate of approximately 97% over a 23 year long career.


With the addition of Psychic, Lucas,  the agency is positioning itself as the premiere source when you need to search for someone who has been abducted, disappeared, is a fugitive, or been  kidnapped


The world's eyes have been focused on the search and subsequent body recovery of a little girl in Florida named Caylee Anthony, who may have been the victim of murder at the hands of her own mother, Casey Anthony. In November 2008, Lucas lead private investigators to a location within yards of where Calyee's body was eventually recovered. Caylee's body was found in December, 2008, but could have been found in November if investigators would have been less skeptical and simply followed Lucas' directions on where the body was.


Here incredible precognitive visions she sees in her dreams give her a “sixth sense” of where a body was disposed and in some cases she has provided law enforcement clues of what the suspect looks like, where they live and how the victim was killed. She has been instrumental in locating people alive in many cases before it was too late.


With high tech investigative techniques and the addition of a world renown psychic, Hollywood Private Investigations is confident they have the most comprehensive search services available, worldwide.


To learn more about the complete services of Hollywood P.I., visit them on line at http://www.hollywoodpi.info/