Atlanta 7/23/2011 3:30:15 AM
News / Law

Georgia leaders develop panel to penalize officials who violate immigration laws

The immigration bill enacted by the state of Georgia is among the toughest in the country. The state’s leaders have developed a panel to assure lawmakers are enforcing the new laws.

The Immigration Enforcement Review Board has seven panelists with the authority to investigate and punish city, county and state officials who are not following the immigration laws. Some of the punishments include withholding state funding and fines up to $5,000 for individuals who knowingly violate the new laws.

The board will also have the authority to investigate local governments who create sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. Protecting an illegal immigrant is strictly forbidden by the Georgia immigration law. Unless an immigrant has the proper visa they face deportation. Obtaining a visa is possible with the aid of an immigration attorney.

The current population of illegal immigrants in the state of Georgia is the seventh highest in the country with 425,000 resident aliens. Georgia lawmakers feel the immigrant population is taxing the social programs such as public schools, jails and hospitals. They are one of many who have passed very tough immigration laws.

Illegal immigrants come to the US searching for better opportunities and higher paying jobs. Becoming a naturalized citizen or getting a visa can be complicated, but an immigration lawyer can simplify the process.

With their extensive experience, immigration attorneys have the qualifications to reassure the hopeful immigrant has the better chance of becoming a citizen.