Denver 7/26/2011 12:58:49 AM
News / Law

Colorado policeman asked for special treatment after DUI arrest

An officer for the Denver, Colorado police department was stopped last week for DUI. During his arrest he cursed the arresting officers and asked for preferential treatment.

Jesse M. Sandoval was off duty when he was driving in the Silverthorne area; he ran his Jeep off the road and crashed. He told officers that he was talking on his cell phone, but his arresting officers noticed a strong smell of alcohol and slurred speech. When he was placed under arrest he asked for special treatment.

One of the arresting officers caught an almost forty minute rant on her iPhone. During the rant, Sandoval told the officers “You Suck,” and repeatedly cussed them out for not letting him get out of the arrest.

He was taken to a local hospital for a blood test, which revealed his blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit.

Although a breathalyzer can be contested by a DUI lawyer, because of potential inaccuracies, blood tests are usually correct, and often used by certain police departments in place of field breathalyzers.

He pleaded guilty to DUI, and was sentenced to 30 days homes monitoring, which a DUI attorney may be able to request instead of jail. He was also given 48 hours of community service and 12 months’ probation.

The possibility of getting a DUI doesn’t prevent many people from intoxicated driving, despite the risks they pose to themselves and others. The courts frequently punish people to the fullest extent possible unless they have a DUI lawyer to represent them.