Miami Beach 7/26/2011 4:33:40 AM
News / Health & Wellness

The Paleo Diet helps people get fit by eating like a caveman

The Paleo Diet is plan devised by the eating habits of Paleolithic man, and can help a person achieve a trimmer figure. The processed foods like grains and sugar consumed by many American have led to major obesity problem in the US.

There are a variety of diets that can help people lose excess weight. Once they have achieved a manageable weight, and are still unhappy with their figures they can turn to liposuction to further perfect their physiques.

The diet calls for people to eat like hunter and gatherers whose primary diet consisted of protein from wild game along with fruits and vegetables. Most modern Americans don’t hunt for their own meat, but can chose to purchase grass fed meat, which has more nutritional value than grain fed meats.

The guidelines of the Paleo diet also recommend eating a diet rich in vegetable and fruits. The less processed the food the better for your digestive system. In addition to less processing, fruits and vegetables provided a diet high in fiber, which helps with weight loss.

And exercise plays a part in the diet as well. Paleolithic man and women got lots of exercise, usually involving intense bursts of activity followed by rest.

There are a ton of different diets out there to meet each individual’s needs, but regardless of what plan they choose looking and feeling better is the ultimate goal.

For those who have lost weight, but aren't fully satisfied with their appearance there is the option of having liposuction. Many find that even though they are slim, areas of the body still retain fat that in some instances only liposuction can eliminate.