Philadelphia 7/27/2011 1:13:05 AM
News / Law

Philadelphia settles with fourth woman over sexual harassment allegations

The Philadelphia Housing Authority has decided to offer a settlement in the fourth allegation of sexual harassment by the former Executive Director, Carl R. Greene. The PHA’s sole board member Estelle Richman approved $500,000 in non-federal funds to go to Elizabeth Helm, according to

Helm, 30, alleges that Greene made unwanted advances towards her during a dinner to discuss a promotion. Helm accused Greene of forcing her to attend the dinner during which he was “touching, grabbing and groping her.”  Helm filed for leave after the incident and sent a letter detailing the events of the dinner to the PHA’s commissioners, Mayor Nutter and Governor Ed Rendell. Helm stated that Greene created a hostile work environment while the board looked the other way.

The board initially offered a $250,000 settlement, but it required that Helm keep the allegations confidential, which she refused. Sexual harassment attorneys are often able to obtain higher settlements for the women they represent.

Helm is the fourth person to file a sexual harassment suit against Greene, whom resigned in Sept. 2010. Three other women in the past settled their cases, which were kept secret. One such lawsuit was settled in 2004 and another in 2008.

Sexual Harassment lawyers and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can file suits on behalf of victims in order to end the hostility this type of harassment creates in a working environment.

 In addition to sexual advances, people who are harassed often face retaliation for reporting harassment, but a sexual harassment attorney will work to prevent this from happening.