Miami Beach 7/27/2011 3:35:50 AM
News / Fashion

Weight loss doesn’t make the fat disappear

America has the largest obesity rate for the entire globe. And out of necessity, and vanity many different industries flourish that help people lose weight.

There are many misconceptions about our bodies and what happens to the fat once we lose weight. Fitness magazines will promise exercises that offer weight loss in specific areas of the body, but the reality is that a person can’t dictate the areas that the fat is eliminated.

According to Susan Fried, director of the Boston Nutrition and Obesity Research Center of the Boston University School of Medicine, “Basically, when we lose weight, we lose weight all over in exactly the proportion that’s distributed throughout our body,” as told to CNN.

The body stores fat when we consume more energy than we use. The body has 10 to 30 billion fat cells an can develop up to 100 billion fat cells, if a person is severely obese. When a person does experience weight loss the fat cells generally shrink and don’t disappear.  And there is always the chance that the smaller fat cells will grow larger without proper nutrition and exercise.

Though weight loss doesn’t pinpoint one area of the body, liposuction can actually remove the fat cells but isn’t intended for the obese. The typical recipient of liposuction has lost excess fat and retained a healthy weight.

 Even though you may be smaller you will still retain your original shape, once a pear shape always a pear shape. Liposuction can allow a person the opportunity to target a particular area, but they will always keep their shape.