Drug addiction is a downward spiral and will only lead to misery, pain and often, death. When one makes the decision to get clean and step away from a destructive lifestyle like addiction, the logical step is to ask God for help. Through a Christian drug treatment program, God can be your guide to a new and healthy life without addiction. It is within every addict’s reach to enjoy each day without the yoke of drug addiction around their neck.
Experts in the field of addiction medicine and treatment are lauding the results that a Christian drug treatment program can deliver to addicts. It is truly a gift to embrace God’s love and grace and have the knowledge that recovery from drug addiction does not have to be an unrealistic expectation. A lasting recovery from drug addiction will not be without pain, both emotionally and physically, but with patience, dedication and hard work, it will happen for every addict who wants to put in the effort.
Christian drug treatment programs have increased in popularity in recent years. They are a unique combination of the best of a secular drug treatment program, with Biblical principles and prayer. Faith is a powerful catalyst, but it is often an unknown quantity for many drug addicts. Many addiction experts believe that without faith, recovery would truly not be possible for many drug addicts.
The importance of prayer cannot be dismissed in a Christian drug treatment program. With daily Bible study groups, as well as individual and group therapy sessions, addicts in these drug treatment programs slowly come to terms with their disease while experiencing, perhaps for the first time, the unconditional love that comes from God.