Atlanta 7/28/2011 10:53:58 PM
News / Law

AWOL Muslim Soldier Arrested Near Fort Hood, May Have Been Planning Attack

An AWOL Muslim soldier who faced court-martial for child pornography charges was arrested near Fort Hood after buying ammunition from a gun store and questioning a store employee about how to make explosives. Pfc. Naser Abdo was taken into custody at a motel in Killeen, Texas. FBI agents discovered bomb making materials, shotgun shells, gunpowder and four magazines for a pistol in Abdo’s motel room.

Abdo, who is stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, had been AWOL since the July Fourth holiday. Fox News reports Abdo had raised concerns he planned to attack Fort Hood. Fort Hood released a statement on Abdo’s arrest, but did not comment on the alleged attack plan. "We are aware at this time that Killeen Police Department arrested a soldier yesterday. The incident leading to the arrest did not occur on Fort Hood and the soldier was not a Fort Hood based soldier," the statement said.

Abdo, 21, applied for conscientious objector status last August citing his Muslim beliefs. In June, a military review board recommended he be discharged from the army, but his discharge was delayed because child pornography charges were brought against him.


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