Georgetown 7/29/2011 2:10:09 AM
News / Law

Lawmaker arrested in front of White House while protesting deportations

The Obama administration has been responsible for a record number of deportations since he took office. This is a fact that displeases many Latino lawmakers and pro-immigration activists. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) was arrested on Tuesday during a peaceful protest, which demanded that President Obama put a halt to the deportation of illegal immigrants. Gutierrez along with community leaders and hundreds of other protesters staged a sit in on Pennsylvania Ave near the White House. Law enforcement had asked the protesters to disband on two occasions, and warned them that they would be arrested if they continued to remain.

When they refused law enforcement arrested the protestors. This is the second time Gutierrez has been arrested for civil disobedience; he was arrested last year for the same charge.

Gutierrez has given Obama an ultimatum; either he stops the deportations or a campaign to discourage Latinos from voting for him will be launched. The Latino vote was instrumental in Obama’s 2008 election.

Illegal immigrants face deportation without having the proper documentation, and are encouraged to employ an immigration attorney to obtain visas.

The need for immigration reform is apparent to both lawmakers and immigrants, but it can be a difficult undertaking. Until comprehensive reform is enacted, many of the over 10 million resident aliens will need either citizenship or visas to avoid deportation. Immigration lawyers offer their experience to help people with a legal presence in the US.

Without citizenship, immigrants cannot fully take advantage of the opportunities available to them. The persistence of immigration attorneys has assisted many people with naturalization.