Marietta 7/29/2011 3:01:32 AM
News / Law

Georgia mother faced jail time after son died in traffic accident

A Georgia mother was facing up to three years in jail after her son was struck by vehicle in Marietta, Georgia, according to Forbes.

Raquel Nelson appeared in a Cobb County court facing jaywalking charges that led to the death of her four year old son in April. According to her attorney, the mother and her three children were crossing a street three-tenths of a mile from a pedestrian crosswalk when her son bolted from a median and was hit by a van.

The van driver, Jerry Guy, was charged with hit and run, and will serve six months in jail. It was revealed that Guy had been drinking earlier that day, and was also under the influence of pain killers. He is also blind in one eye. His charge and sentence was significantly lower than Nelson’s

Nelson, however, was charged with negligent homicide and faced up to 36 months in jail. She was spared prison amid public outcry over her arrest. An online petition obtained the signature of 125,000 people who believed she was being treated unfairly by the courts.

Accident attorneys can attest to the fact that pedestrian deaths and injuries are fairly common in traffic accidents. Negligence or carelessness causes the majority of accidents on our streets, and when an accident lawyer can prove it those who are harmed can seek compensation from the guilty parties.

When flesh meets metal, the victims came be seriously injured and deserve to be compensated, and highly qualified accident attorneys fight for the rights of these victims.