New York 7/29/2011 3:42:37 AM
News / Law

Imprelis Herbicide Problems Can Reportedly Include Tree Damage

An alert regarding Imprelis herbicide problems has been posted on Class to inform the public of reports which have linked the product to tree damage. Reportedly, the herbicide, which was marketed as being environmentally friendly, may have damaged large spruces, pines, and other trees on lawns and golf courses across the country. Potentially, property owners who claim they have noticed Imprelis herbicide problems may have legal recourse to seek compensation for damages. To receive a free evaluation of your claim and to learn more about allegations regarding Imprelis herbicide problems, visit today. 

Imprelis, manufactured by DuPont, is used to kill broadleaf weeds, but can also reportedly cause harm to trees located near to the grass where the product was sprayed. While the product is effective at destroying ground ivy and similar weeds, it has been reported that it may also attack trees, even when applied properly. Trees which may be most susceptible to possible Imprelis herbicide problems may include willows, poplars and conifers, though white pines and Norway spruces can also be affected. 

Property owners who alleged that they noticed Imprelis herbicide problems after using the product on their property may have legal recourse. Several DuPont Imprelis lawsuits have already been filed, alleging that the company was negligent in testing the product or reckless in allowing its release into the market. To find out if you can participate in a lawsuit for your possible Imprelis herbicide problems, visit Class for a free case review. 

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