Beverly Hills 7/29/2011 3:43:11 AM
News / Fashion

Liposuction effective in male breast reduction

Even though summer is half over, there are still lots of hot days to come. And despite the heat, a number of men out there are too embarrassed to take of their shirt because they have larger than normal breasts.

In men this is called gynecomastia, a medical term that refers to woman-like breasts on men. This condition affects roughly 60 percent of the male population. In popular culture it is sort of joke, and people refer to excess breast tissue in men as “man boobs” or “moobs.” For the men affected, this is no laughing matter. There are no known causes, but doctors believe that steroid use, alcohol and marijuana can contribute to abnormal growth.

Many men with gynecomastia will try exercise to reduce the size of their breasts, which can be help, but may not give a man their desired look. Other men will turn to liposuction, which can effectively reduce the amount of breast tissue in men. Obese men aren't good candidates for this type of procedure as significant weight loss will naturally reduce the size of their feminine looking pectorals.

The most ideal candidate for liposuction is at a healthy weight, which they have been able to maintain. Removing the excess fat will allow these individuals to have a more appealing pectoral region. Liposuction can also lessen the embarrassment of having larger than normal breasts in men, and give them the confidence to go bare-chested.